Type Tuesday: 26 Alphabets (for Sol LeWitt)

In November of 2008, derek beaulieu approached a number of poets and conceptual writers. He asked each to fulfill a series of simple instructions: "On a single sheet of paper in letters approximately one half inch tall write the alphabet from A to Z".

"26 Alphabets (for Sol LeWitt)" documents the results of that request, and includes work from Gareth Jenkins (pictured above), Lorenzo Menoud, Oana Avasilichioaei, Helen Hajnoczky, Robert Fitterman, Donato Mancini, Gregory Betts, Jonathan Ball, Nico Vassilakis, Mark Laliberte, Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl, Christian Bök, Harold Abramowitz, Johanna Drucker, Giles Goodland, Ross Priddle, Gitte Broeng, John Bennett, Crag Hill, Peter Ganick, Jeff Hilson, Peter Jaeger, Nick Thurston, Stephen McLaughlin, Kjetil Røed and kevin mcpherson eckhoff.

Produced in an edition of 100 copies, 48 of which are available for purchase at Lulu.