Guest Post: Melanie Biehle

Monday, April 23 at 2:00 PM

We’ve been walking around Pike Place Market like tourists in our own city, taking our time and looking at things we rush by when we’re showing visitors around. I found some amazing fashion and design magazines from the 60s, and was still on my vintage magazine cloud when we started looking for a lunch spot.

Matt’s in the Market was closed, so we end up at Copacabana Cafe for a light lunch al fresco and prime people watching. I see a woman with a tiny baby sleeping in a sling, probably no more than a month old. I’m reminded of newborn Nathaniel - how light he was, how much I loved feeling his gentle weight against my chest, and how I cherished the intermittent waves of rolling and kicking inside my body before he was born.

Up next: 4:00 PM Rolling huts