subscriber love

I love my UPPERCASE subscription because it highlights all of the things I love related to design, print and creativity (plus the smell of ink on paper makes me happy). I am a print designer, artist and journal maker so being able to see what others out there are creating is both exciting and educational. I look forward to receiving my UPPERCASE issue every quarter—I pour through the pages relishing in the amazing content, and yes, the smell :)

— Susan Elliott, subscriber


UPPERCASE magazine is a welcome arrival in the mailbox. It is an inspiration for sparking the imagination. It continues to share a community of those who strive to be more than a line item on a profit & loss statement. As you move through the pages with fever, yet soaking it all in as if in slow motion... it shows all that can be and all that is possible. It is a joyful magazine that fosters and redefines the spirit of creating. 

— Judy Molnar, subscriber

UPPERCASE makes my mind whirl and my heart soar. It’s an inspiration treasure trove for reading again and again and again.

— Libby Heasman, subscriber

Consider subscribing today. 

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