Get a free copy of issue 16 with subscriptions and renewals!

Some of you might remember issue 16, released nearly three years ago! The cover was created by UK artist Debbie Smyth and we had a brief two-page spread about her work.

I'm happy to say Debbie will be back in issue 28 this coming January, this time with a special tour of her studio and home by photographer Kasia Fiszer and an interview by regular UPPERCASE contributor Jane Audas.

In anticipation, I am happy to offer you a chance to experience issue 16 once again! Until the end of day November 15, subscriptions, renewals and gift subscriptions will be eligible for a FREE copy of issue 16 while supplies last! 

Issue 16 was a turning point for UPPERCASE. It was the first issue printed on our luscious 100% post-consumer paper Rolland Enviro—a gorgeous stock that prints exceptionally well, resulting in better, brighter images.

The content themes in issue 16 are about looking back and nesting. Here's what I wrote all those years ago: "Techniques, traditions and styles of other centuries and other histories influence in fresh ways. The tintype is revitalized, embroidered samplers speak volumes, old factories, warehouses and hospitals foster new creative communities. Old-fashioned hard work is celebrated with stylish nods to workwear and peasant garb; the straw broom is an emblem of honouring tradition. With knitting, knotting and needlework, we stay busy and cozy in our home sweet homes."

It's one of my old favourites. Discover it again or add this beautiful back issue to your collection. Already have this issue? You could gift the extra one; UPPERCASE content is always timeless.

Purchase a gift subscription, subscribe for yourself or renew to get this free issue.

Subscriptions can start with the current issue 27, which is mailed right away, or you can start it with issue 28 in January.