Calling Card: Inkello

Thank you to all the fine folks who sponsor the blog and magazine through their Calling Cards. For $400 Canadian, your ad will be on the sidebar from now until April 10 plus printed in the next issue (January-February-March 2016). If you want to have a seasonally-themed Calling Card for the blog sidebar now and switch the artwork in the new year, that's ok. Please see all the details here. I appreciate your support.

Christine Schneider is the proprietor of Inkello. Christine is a fourth-generation printer (she's also a designer and illustrator). 

To print her letterpress goods, completely hand-powered, she uses a press from 1897. It is operated with a foot treadle and is distinctive for a big, blue flywheel. She also prints on a tabletop press with a hand lever from the 1950s.

Inkello has some fun and clever letterpresses items, like these triangular Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Booklets. "Ten pages inside, alternating between grape jelly and peanut butter-coloured papers. Set of two booklets accompanied by a small pencil. Details for curious letterpress enthusiasts: the crusts were printed using wooden furniture, and the texture in the bread was made using BBs glued to a wooden base!."

I'm also fond of their Heart Personalized Knitting Tags, which would be a lovely gift for prolific knitters. The finishing details and textures of Inkello's products are really well done.