Blogshop in NYC!
/UPPERCASE is please to be a {small} part of Blogshop, a travelling photoshop + blogging workshop, when they make their next stop in New York City September 24 and 25. I've provided complimentary issues going into the goodie bags for all the participants, to help ignite their creative fires! Check out this gorgeous workspace that they'll be using. wow.
Here's a video from a recent workshop. Looks like too much fun!
B L O G S H O P 2 - Los Angeles from Son of Shark Pig on Vimeo.
Blogshop is run by Bri Emery of designlovefest + photographer Angela Kohler
"BLOGSHOP is is a Photoshop bootcamp. minus the push-ups. It is a full weekend spent stuffing your brain full of things to make your images on your blog unique and eye catching. We teach the basics from scratch as well as some more advanced techniques and then applying them with your own perspective to layouts that you will use when you go back to your own blog. People who have no experience with Photoshop will leave the course with confidence to create layout, prep images for mood boards and collages, retouch skin and color correct images, animate gifs, add textures, borders, type and drawing to their images to make each of their blog posts or other visual materials special. At the end of the first day we will have a portrait session, so on the second day you can work on your own pictures which will be perfect for contributor photos and bio pages. This jump-right-in approach to Photoshop is a great way to demystify the program, and make it another tool to bring with you into the competitive world of visual design."