Mrs. Drysdale's Circus

I received this intriguing press release about a show by the Blue Horse Folk Art Gallery and wanted to share it with you verbatim:​

After touring the hinterlands for several years, Mrs Drysdale feels her troupe is ready for the Big Time. The first public performance in the great metropolis of Vancouver will take place in the heart of downtown, at the dramatic Pendulum Gallery. As a result of her world travels, she has assembled many new, exotic, and never-before-seen, acts. For example - Jacque Pierrot the Cat MasterBunny Bishop and his Wing Walkers, and the World's Only Tapir Race! The troupe is privileged and honoured to be performing for the sophisticated Vancouver audience! Once again, we emphasize, they must be seen to be believed. Do not fail, if possible, to be among the number at our opening reception, Thursday, September 13th, from 6 - 8pm. RSVP on our Facebook event page!

Show Schedule: Monday, September 10th to Saturday, September 22nd, at the Pendulum Gallery in Vancouver (885 West Georgia Street across from the Vancouver Art Gallery).  

​Sounds like a fun event for those of you in Vancouver!