On a podcast with The Marketing Mentor, Ilise Benum

I recently had the opportunity to have a chat with "The Marketing Mentor", Ilise Benum. Ilise invited me to be a speaker at the HOW Design Live conference in Chicago next month. I'm also organizing a small event in Chicago for the evening of May 4, details will be announced soon. (Sign up for my newsletter on the sidebar or stay tuned here on on Twitter.)

What I learned from design clients led to my “retirement”... and launched a whole new career. 

Freelancing was an unexpected education in marketing, time management and business development. Having left client work to pursue her own projects, Janine will share how to turn frustrations and obstacles into your advantage and how to keep motivated and inspired. You'll get a personal look at how the magazine is made.

THURSDAY, MAY 7 • 4:15 – 5:00PM