After School with Paige Smith

Mike Kerr's project "After School" discovers what illustrators and designers have been up to since graduating from the Alberta College of Art & Design. Web designer and crafty entrepreneur Paige Smith was recently interviewed about her line of jewellery holders.

"To balance out my corporate work, I have been yearning for something that was truly fulfilling on a personal level for many years. Working for a large company, it is easy for the individual person to get lost in the collective whole. So, the main creative reward that I have is the pride and passion that I feel for this creative endeavor and which is something I can call my own." Read the full interview with Paige here.

Visit Paige's website for more images of her jewellery holders and go to her new Etsy shop to purchase one! (They make a great gift for a bride-to-be! She'll need someplace to hold her special rings and are made from saucers both special and old.)

Birthday Bowie

David Bowie turns 62 today. Even without his extensive catalog of ground-breaking music, from a purely visual standpoint, Bowie has been a great influence on fashion, festivals and art. Seeing David Bowie in concert during his Reality tour will always be the top of my concert experience list. He moved about the stage like a man less than half his age; his charisma and showmanship cannot be matched. (image above from Station to Station)