Open Calls for Submissions
Please CLICK HERE for all current open calls.
new open calls ARE always announced first in the newsletter!
Make sure you get the weekly UPPERCASE newsletter for the first announcements of new open calls.
Fresh! highlights previously unpublished creatives. Whether you're a fresh graduate or mature artist, it is often a dream to be published for the first time!
If you've never been published in print before, please share your work and I will endeavour to publish the best submissions in future issues and share your submission and links in my newsletter, blog or social media as well. (Please note that space is limited, so this is a merit-based selection.)
Share images of your sketchbook and creative process. Please photograph representative spreads of your sketchbook against a white backdrop so that we can see all edges of the book or page. You can also include images of your sketchbook in your creative workspace, stacked with others, in progress, with art supplies, etc. Include a picture of you, too!
Submissions will be featured in upcoming issues of UPPERCASE magazine and highlighted in our weekly newsletter.
Subscriber Studios
We feature tours of UPPERCASE magazine subscribers' studios in the magazine and in the weekly newsletters. Share your workspace, studio or corner of the dining room... wherever it is that you create.
Keep scrolling below to find out how you can submit your ideas for future issues!
How to submit to UPPERCASE magazine
and portfolio reviews
You are all so talented and generous with your creativity! I welcome your suggestions for content ideas.
To submit an idea or your portfolio, please use the link below and carefully follow the instructions posted within.
Include examples of your work in your pitch! Don't just send a generic message asking me to click over to a website. Remember that you may have only just sent one pitch out that day, but the editor receiving yours has likely seen dozens. Our submission form allows you to upload examples, so it is easy to select your best jpg and upload it. Never send unsolicited files via a file transfer service—that's the equivalent of trying to force your way into someone's home uninvited.
tips for the perfect pitch
Know our audience, the tone of our writing and be familiar with past issues as to not pitch a topic close to something we have recently covered. From my perspective, if a person wants to be in the pages of UPPERCASE, they will have made the effort to read past issues and (bonus!) already be a subscriber.
Communicate the story of an artist or how they fit into the UPPERCASE ethos rather than just showing a sample from a portfolio.
If someone has been amply covered in big magazines, then they're generally not a good fit for UPPERCASE. We naturally shy away from celebrity and fame, that's just not what UPPERCASE is about.
be patient
Definitely don't email an editor a few days later asking, "Did you get my submission?" I spend a time every few weeks combing through all the submissions. Ideas submitted months earlier might start to fit into emerging content themes. Please know that I have received your idea and am giving it careful consideration. I appreciate that you are entrusting not only your ideas with me, but often your hopes and dreams of getting published.
Please don't spam your submissions.
These all go to one person, so there's no need to submit multiple times or methods.
Friendly tip: I'm more likely to want to work with people who can follow directions! Thank you.
Share your Instagrams and Tweets about the magazine @uppercasemag #uppercaselove. I will publish some in each issue.
Share what you make or do with the hashtag #uppercasereader on Instagram and Twitter.
Please share what you make and sew with my collections from Windham Fabrics #uppercasefabric. Thanks!
UPPERCASE magazine is a richly visual magazine featuring great illustration, photography and intelligent writing. If you are interested in contributing, please follow the submission guidelines above.
I'd love to hear from you. Send your submissions and suggestions or send a letter to the editor. Sign up for our newsletter and watch this space for more opportunities to interact.
Is it creative? Is it curious? I'd like to see it! Mail postcards, letters, artwork, trinkets, photos, found objects... The most interesting things will be featured in the magazine and online. (Sorry, items will not be returned.)
UPPERCASE publishing
Suite 201b
908 - 17th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta