Botanica preface by Janine Vangool
Flowers and plants have long been a muse of artists and craftspeople. Personally, I can trace my career in graphic design and publishing to a childhood interest in botany and horticulture. I used to cut out photographs of flowers and vegetables from the seed catalogues that arrived in the mail and paste them in new layouts of my own making in tiny notebooks. And although I had my own little garden plot and earned a few ribbons at the local children’s gardening competition, I realized that my true love wasn’t for the hard, dirty work involved in growing vegetables (although it is satisfying to get earthy now and again)—it was an appreciation for the beauty of the plants themselves. Sketching flowers from life and collaging pictures of plants in a scrapbook was what I enjoyed most. In a simple and organic way, led by a genuine curiosity, I had discovered illustration and design. And for the many creative and enterprising people profiled within the pages of Botanica, an infatuation with florals informed their art, careers and businesses. I’ve also included some historical sources and botanical ephemera, illustrating that we have an evergreen fascination with all things floral. Arranged alphabetically by eclectic topics, Botanica collects a veritable mixed bouquet of art, illustration and stories of botanically inclined lifestyles. Perhaps they will help sow the seeds for your own creativity!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this project.
46 artists • 448 pages • page after page of inspiration
the dust jackets
Similar to Feed Sacks and The UPPERCASE Compendium of Craft and Creativity, Botanica also has 4 different dust jackets that you can fold to reveal your favourite pattern. A belly band wraps around the dust jacket and brands the book as part of the Encyclopedia of Inspiration series. Previews will be released here soon!
Stitch•illo pictured with a printed copy of Feed Sacks: The Colourful History of a Frugal Fabric (text by Linzee Kull McCray)
Order the Encyclopedia of Inspiration set here.