The Captain's Blog
/We've started "The Captain's Blog" in honour of The Shatner Show. We will be posting frequently in the weeks leading up to the opening of the show and the launch of the book.
You may wonder why we have so much enthusiasm for William Shatner... The project began last summer when my husband and I were driving across Canada and we listened to Shatner's Has Been album quite a lot. We were really quite moved with the emotional range of the album, plus the quality of music is really great. We were brainstorming ideas for upcoming shows in the gallery and The Shatner Show idea was hatched. Later, when I did some research about Shatner and found out he was about to be 76, I set the goal to have 76 Shatner images... In the spirit of all things Shatner, I took the idea to the next level and decided to publish a book as well.
I started the project as an average appreciator of Shatner (and proud of his Canadian heritage) but my admiration has grown as I find out more about him and his loyal fans. His sense of humour about himself is quite an inspiration to me and to our participating artists.