So-called Real Life Launch Party at the Glenbow
Two new exhibitions are opening this Saturday at the Glenbow. "Real Life" features the uncannily life-like sculptures of Ron Mueck paired with video by Israeli artist Buy Ben-Ner. Ben-Ner's video Stealing Beauty (stills shown above) was shot, guerilla-style, entirely on location in IKEA show rooms in New York, Berlin and Tel Aviv. Notice the price hang tags. The second exhibition features "Haida Manga" artwork: a hybrid expression of culture and comics.
From the Glenbow: "We will be celebrating the much anticipated opening of 2 fall contemporary art exhibitions: Real Life: Ron Mueck and Guy Ben-Ner as well as the Haida Manga art of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas. In addition you can meet Glenbow’s artists-in-residence, local filmmaker Sandi Somers who will debut her 1 minute video and kick off our video challenge and Calgary-based musician Kris Demeanor who will perform new work made in response to Ron Mueck's hyper-realistic sculptures. And to top it all off – in case you have any fascinating questions about our new 800 pound baby – curator Jonathan Shaughnessy from the National Gallery of Canada will be giving a gallery tour of the Real Life exhibition."
The launch party takes place this Saturday at 7:00 as is pay-what-you-can at the door. Please RSVP to Allison at the Glenbow ( by Thursday, October 15 at noon.