Alfred Hitchcock Dioramas at Bird Dog Video

Attention local Calgarians: Don't miss the 3rd Annual Bird Dog Video  Art Show/Silent Auction! Each year a selection of artists, musicians and all round creative people graciously donate their time and efforts to help raise money for a local charity.
This year artists pay homage to the master of cinematic suspense, Alfred Hitchcock.  Drawing from Hitchcock's extensive film ouevre, each artist started with an empty shadow box and could produce a Hitchcock diorama to their liking - recreating a specific scene, creating a new scene or simply using Hitchcock as the theme for their idea. 

The event will be held Thursday September 17, 2009 (7-10 pm), all proceeds go to the Elephant Artist Relief.

Bird Dog Video is located at 1333 16 AVE SW Calgary, AB. For more information, please contact Jolie Bird at: 399-2615 email: