Help! (please)

I've got too many things on my plate right now. In fact my "plate" is more like a banquet hall of things I need to get done before we head to Renegade Brooklyn next week. Some of the to-do list is fun stuff like making swag... postcard sets and button-making. Are there any local folks who want to come by on First Thursday to help assemble things? I'll be in the studio from 3-9pm -- even if you're able to drop by for a short while and make a few things that would be so appreciated.

I am also looking for a regular team of makers and doers, to assist in these hands-on tasks like assembly, button-making, book-making and even some sewing (for the dottie angel book.) We would meet once or twice a month at UPPERCASE over iced coffee and cookies and have a good ol' fashioned making-things bee. The first bee will be this Sunday afternoon at 1pm. Please email me if you're interested (janine at uppercasemagazine dot com) thank you!!!