/team UPPERCASE: Eleanor, Jocelyn and Erin (plus me, photographer)
Today marks the "changing of the guard" at UPPERCASE. Alas, we say goodbye to Eleanor, who has been our customer service expert for a year and a half. She has been fulfilling orders, answering queries, managing subscribers and stockists... all while attending SAIT's Engineering Design and Drafting Technologies program part time. We commend Eleanor for juggling schedules and racking up the kilometers on the c-train, shuffling from college to work (and back again!) She has been a wonderful and loyal employee and we wish her lots of success in her studies and future career.
And so, we happily introduce you to Jocelyn who will be taking on Eleanor's job—and then some—in a full time role. I am relieved that we will have someone consistently available to deal with customer queries, stockists, distribution and shipping matters... it is a vital role in a business built on subscriptions and fulfillment of online orders.
Jocelyn has been with us for just a couple weeks, but she has been an avid reader and supporter of UPPERCASE for a long time so she is fitting right in! You can follow her Instagram #dailyUPPERCASE and see behind-the-scenes from her perspective. (She offers the warning that her Instagram feed is also full of lots of cat pictures.)
Erin is our marketing/publicity manager, working with me here in the studio three days a week and always available via email. Erin and I are looking forward to our quick trip to Toronto next week, to attend the National Magazine Awards and to visit our lovely stockists.
My husband Glen needs to be recognized, too, for supporting me and UPPERCASE by being a wonderful stay-at-home dad to our son Finley. Glen is also a regular contributor to the magazine—look for his Creature and Abecedary columns in the summer issue. (Looking for an excellent work of fiction to read this summer? Pick up Glen Dresser's novel Correction Road. There's a thoughtful review here.)
thank you, everyone!