type tuesday: Fairgoods

Ne10 is a typeface and physical stencil designed by Corey Holms

Fairgoods is a new online destination for shopping for products where the creator is at the forefront.

Shameless Deluxe, designed by Neil Summerour

Signature necklace by Brevity.

Shauna Luedtke, an art director at fairgoods.com wrote in to introduce their new start-up:

"Fairgoods is an online store that sells a curated selection of accessories, housewares, apparel, decor, and digital goods like type (and goods made using type in both overt and subtle ways). Some of our products are things we’ve created with makers, some are things we’ve made ourselves, and some of them are existing products we love. 

First, you ask Neil Summerour to hand-letter the words Strokes of Genius. Then you cut white vinyl stickers and take them to Blanchette Press. And then you put those stickers on notebooks and invite some friends and fellow makers over to do some painting. Credits: Neil Summerour, Aaron Blanchette, Adam Blanchette, Gail Blanchette, Marie Hohner, Xerxes Irani, Beau Lark, Dawn Mesana, Drew Ng, Xuan Nguyen, Victor John Penner, Darcy Twarog, Mark Vanderland, Wendy Wan, and Jonathan Wood.

Fairgoods is about putting the maker at the forefront, and documenting the process of how things are made. It’s about letting our customers into the process, into the work itself — and celebrating it."