Castle in the Air

Castle in the Air window display using enlarged Victorian paper cutouts. 

A number of people have recommended Castle in the Air, a paper shop located in Berkeley, California.  I haven't had the pleasure of roaming through their aisles in person, but a shop that "specializes in hard to find and European art supplies and treasures" sounds visually delicious. I was actually perusing their online shop while I was working on issue #18 and researching Victorian scraps.

Castle in the Air recently started offering Victorian paper toys as giclee prints and wrote in to share the news: "Owner Karima Cammell collects them (she has over 1,000!), and over the years has become recognized as a guardian of ephemera traditions. By celebrating the models and toys in her art, workshops and store, Karima helps to keep them alive. She has reproduced them for the masses as giclee prints that are similar in weight, size and colour of the originals for $15 each."

Karima has also kindly offered a free download to UPPERCASE readers. Click here for the file.