Everyone is gay!

Rohitash Rao sent in a link to this great animated video that he art directed: 

"This is a music video that I animated and directed that was completely made out of hand-cut paper typography. Coloured construction paper, confetti and random items I found at the Party Store were used to bring all the lyrics to life in this stop-motion film."

The catchy song is by A Great Big World who write: "A while ago, our friends Kristin and Dannielle (who run a website called EveryoneIsGay.com that offers advice to LGBTQ youth) challenged us to write the "gayest song ever" for a compilation. And this song was the result! We believe in their mission and stand by all those who live in fear of being their authentic selves. NO ONE deserves to be bullied or treated unfairly based on sexual preference. Diversity should be celebrated!"