The Great Canadian Scrapbooker Carnival
/Katharina Doyle, co-founder and publisher of Canadian Scrapbooker is dressed to preside over the Carnival!
Letters always catch my eye... particularly here when they're glittered stickers.
Jackie Ludlage, Canadian Scrapbooker co-founder and editor-in-chief strikes a pose with Katharina.
Crystal Reynolds, the art director of the magazine, is new to scrapbooking but has all the design experience. Here's a page in progress.
More type. What can I say? My eyes are always drawn to letters.
Carnival participants bring their own supplies to work on their books, but lots of vendors are close at hand to inspire ideas and tempt wallets.
It's interesting to see surface pattern designs in the scrapbooking industry and see how those trends relate to quilt fabrics (a hobby that I'm more familiar with.)
The Great Canadian Scrapbooker Carnival is organized by Canadian Scrapbooker magazine and runs through Saturday at 5pm.