$15 discount code ends Friday!
/Save $15 off subscriptions, renewals and gift subscriptions by using the code "yesplease" at checkout!
Make the weak Canadian dollar work for you and get a subscription for just $50!
if you've been thinking about subscribing, renewing, stocking up on back issues and books or purchasing a gift subscription for a friend... now's a great time go ahead and indulge.
The weak Canadian dollar can save you big amounts on your UPPERCASE purchases. The exchange rate continues to be great for those of you purchasing with US currency. For example, a subscription is normally $80 Canadian. When you use the discount code "yesplease" at checkout you get another $15 off, so that's $65 Canadian total. As of this morning, a $65 subscription is a few cents shy of $50 in US dollars! To read more, please click here or start shopping.