girl friday: Lindsay Lusby
/A hand-sewn cover for traditional typewriter sized to fit Lindsay's 1950s Remington Rand manual typewriter. Constructed from fabric and thread found in a flea market.
When people love typewriters, it seems that they really love typewriters! Lindsay Lusby expresses this affection with handmade covers, keeping the old machines cozy and dust-free.
"My name is Lindsay Lusby and I am the mind and face and hands behind Thread Lock Press. I have many loves but chief among them are poetry, letterpress printing, bookbinding, hand-sewing, and typewriters. I love the machinery of words. The keys and springs and cranks and cast-iron metal of it. And I love the softness of handmade and mouldmade papers and fabrics with vintage patterns and imperfect hand-stitched threads. I see Thread Lock Press as a way to combine and celebrate all of these things in various manifestations.
When I adopted my typewriter Hildegard, I wanted to give her the best. She needed a cover but in my searching, all I could find were some ugly translucent plastic ones. I wanted something a bit more decorative for my typewriter, something cozier. My typewriter cozies keep the dust out of the keys and cogs, and add a bit of color and personality to any writing desk.
I first started printing with antique letterpress and bookbinding under Master Printer Mike Kaylor at Washington College in 2006. It was dirty, tedious, my hands always came away covered in a thick lead dust—and I loved it. I graduated with a BA in English and Creative Writing and a deep urge to make words into tactile things."
Visit Lindsay's Etsy shop Thread Lock Press for typewriter covers, letterpressed poetry and denim printer's aprons.