Featured Stockist: Paper Umbrella
/Teresa and Brad were excited when we asked them to send along some information for a profile. Really excited. Really REALLY excited. Like dancing around the kitchen excited.
They explained how they came to be stockists.
"A fortuitous event occurred for us in 2006 when our flight home was diverted to Calgary. That grey winter day offered us the unforgettable opportunity to step into UPPERCASE gallery and meet Janine Vangool. She sold us some of her personally designed Valentine's day cards which we brought home to our then four-month-old store."
Paper Umbrella can be found amidst the creative ambiance of the vibrant Cathedral Village in Regina Saskatchewan. They offer a selection of sophisticated cards, fine writing utensils, beautiful papers, and unique gifts.
"We have long benefited from the ongoing relationship with UPPERCASE and have engaged in countless conversations about this inventive, clever and beautiful publication. What our customers have also valued beyond the content of this magazine has been their chance to contribute to it. As an independent retailer in an art district, creatives abound. We are often heard telling customers looking for inspiration and encouragement that there's nothing better than a hit of UPPERCASE."