Flip through the new issue with me
/I made a quick 25-second video on my phone to show you the new issue! More photos coming soon. Subscribe here.
I made a quick 25-second video on my phone to show you the new issue! More photos coming soon. Subscribe here.
The end of the year's always a time for reflection—and for making resolutions and plans! Please join me in looking at the past year at UPPERCASE... and find out how you can be in the magazine next year!
This has been one amazing year. It started with a lot of travel: In January I was in Austin, Texas to help judge hundreds of beautiful quilts in for QuiltCon. (That's me in a very cute fabric store in Austin.) It felt like I was barely home before I was on a 32-hour odyssey to Australia to speak at the Perth Writer's Festival and then the Creative Women's Circle in Melbourne. I spoke at the HOW conference in Chicago in May, I was in Toronto in June for the National Magazine Awards, onward to Portland in October... it's a wonder I got anything done this year with so much time away.
But now that I look at it all, it sure stacks up. UPPERCASE published a whopping 1348 printed pages of content in 2015. Thank you to all my amazing contributors—the writers and photographers and illustrators and crafters who make such inspiring content. Thank you to all the readers who submitted their work for inclusion. Thank you to Correy Baldwin for copy editing. Thank you to Chris Young at Prolific for handling the printing on all these projects (except for The Typewriter which was printed by Asia Pacific Offset). Thank you to my husband Glen Dresser for his assistance in writing The Compendium, his contributions to the magazine and for taking on customer service recently.
Let's see how all those pages add up:
If I were to play favourites, I'd have to say that issue 24 is mine—I love the illustration by Andrea D'Aquino and each of the 10,000 copies had a piece of antique feed sack fabric applied to the cover! The feed sack swatches were sent in by readers from all over and it was such fun to receive little bits of fabric in the mail. (This issue sold out quickly and will not be reprinted... however, a book project has emerged from this issue, it's in the very early stages and I look forward to sharing more! If you've got a feed sack collection, please get in touch!)
This issue is dedicated to printmaking in all its forms. The cover is by Joey Hannaford. The Profiles in Printmaking section introduces dozens of talented readers who work in everything from monotypes to risograph to letterpress to collographs. Subscribers enjoyed a free printmaking sample inserted into their issues. Get issue 25 here. (Photo by stockist Tiny Feast.)
I do love little bits of paper. And stamps? They tell such great stories. The cover is by Richard Benson and features fancy cancels. Subscribers were treated to a glassine envelope of vintage stamps inserted into their issue. Thank you to a dedicated group of stamp-sorting, envelope-stuffing philatelists who got thousands of envelopes ready for subscribers. Get issue 26 here.
This issue has a focus on new illustration talent as well as articles about creative education, wonder and the secrets to longevity (in a creative field). Get issue 27 here (it's now listed as a back issue, so add it to your cart with other back issues and you'll pay less per issue.) Cover by Brian Hurst.
Of all the projects this year, this one was the toughest. I spent three years working on this epic visual history of typewriter ephemera. To say that I'm glad it's done is an understatement. The project certainly tested my stamina and "stick-to-it-iveness", but it got done! And now that I have a few months separating me and all the work, it feels even better. The book got a great full-page review in Canada's national newspaper. Purchase it here. (If you're in Europe, get the book through Central Books.)
My most recent book project, it was exactly a year ago that this project began with a call for entries in my newsletter. Featuring 66 artisans, artists and craftspeople from around the world, the Compendium is look into what's happening in craft right now. I look forward to doing a second edition... maybe every couple of years? Order it here. (If you're in Europe, my distributor Central Books will have the book in about a month—ask your local bookseller to stock it through them.)
The new issue is mailing out to subscribers right now! It will be arriving in mailboxes in the next few weeks. This was the best year ever for Gift Subscriptions. Well done, Santa! Subscribe here. Cover of old bus tickets from the collection of Kindra Murphy.
For subscribers as of December 17, you'll get a free insert of this fun and inspiring calendar. Keep your creativity on track everyday next year. (Subscribe here to be part of future subscriber-only benefits like this.) Cover by Tara Lilly.
With such a busy year behind me I'm really enjoying a holiday pace right now. I've been taking it slow and being crafty. My problem is that with more time to be contemplative and space to think... I keep coming up with new ideas! Three book ideas for 2016? The launch of Little U? Plus all the regular UPPERCASE magazine-y goodness?
I can't wait to dive in!
2015 started out with quilts and fabric... and it has ended that way, too! With my very own collection with Windham Fabrics!!! Look for a sneak peek in issue 28.
I'm going to QuiltCon in February. Are you? I will be giving a 30-minute presentation... any suggestions? Want to meet up for an UPPERCASE event?
There are two new open calls for the spring issue. I expect to get a lot of submissions on these topics, so the open call ends on January 15.
Submit creative projects in which folds and folding are integral to its execution and design. Projects can be in any material, medium or scale. Submit here.
Book Arts
Book arts, unusual book designs, artist's books, intriguing book formats, books as sculpture, books that aren't books... projects in which the concept of a book is the starting point for creative exploration. Submit here.
Carla Sonheim has opened registration for her 2016 year-long online class:
“Y” is For Yellow!
(And no, you won’t paint everything yellow! )
Carla writes:
In this class we will march through the alphabet as a fun way to move through our year (“P” is for Picasso! “C” is for Collage!), while tackling the more serious question,
“How do you create a body of work?”
As mixed-media artists we are always trying new media and experimenting with new techniques — which is awesome! But what can happen is we don’t take the time to focus long enough on the things we really love so that we can create a cohesive series that is uniquely ours.
I have found a lot of value working in series over the years; choosing and sticking with one media/subject matter for a period of time really has helped me… and I will share with you what I can about the process.
Are you ready to work hard in a fun environment? Let’s refine, focus, and create a body of work this year!
In this class:
• You are encouraged to focus on your favourite media. (Don’t know what that is? That’s okay, there will be plenty of techniques to try with both the drawing and mixed-media lessons.)
• There will be 26 short drawing exercises, one for each of the 26 lessons. These are meant to be warm-ups to give you ideas on how to face the blank page. I’ll keep them fun!
• In addition, there will be 7 mixed-media lessons, 3 optional assignments, and 3 surprise lessons. They will include techniques (old and new!) in watercolour, acrylics, charcoal, and other media.
Class begins January 8, 2016. Cost is $198. Sign up here.
Thank you, Carla, for supporting UPPERCASE through a Calling Card ad. Look for her ad on the sidebar of the blog and in print in issue 28 coming out in January.
Here's the view of the pressroom floor! Lots and lots of printed stacks of paper, drying for a bit and then heading to bindery.
This issue will be mailing right after Christmas so that eager readers will also receive their free UPPERCASE 2016 Creative Calendars as quickly as possible. Since there was so much excitement for these, I printed a lot of them — 6000 copies! But they'll only be available inserted into subscriber copies of issue 28; they will not be sold separately.
(You can still become a subscriber or renew a subscription after that date, but you will not get the calendar and your copy of the magazine will be mailed in early January rather than right after Christmas.)
Last night, after my son went to bed, I was inspired to make a little video using some of the submissions sent in for the Creative Calendar. I really enjoy editing video—it's sort of repetitive and meditative and fun all at the same time—so although the end result is something UPPERCASE-related, I consider video editing and playing around in FinalCut a "hobby". It appears that any and all hobbies I have are UPPERCASE-related in some way!
Subscribers* will receive a 2016 Creative Calendar as a free insert in issue 28, out in January. The artwork shown in this video is a small example of the over 300 submissions contributed to the calendar. The 13-month, 32-page calendar showcases the amazing talent of UPPERCASE readers. The cover is illustrated by Tara Lilly.
*A limited quantity of calendars are available for those with active subscriptions as of November 30, 2015. After November 30, the calendar is available through subscriptions while supplies last. The calendar will not be for sale individually, though free downloads will be provided month by month to folks on my email newsletter list.
The UPPERCASE Circle is free for subscribers of the print magazine. Find out more.
UPPERCASE is a quarterly print magazine inspired by craft, design and illustration. A playful exploration of creativity, an affinity for vintage ephemera, and a love of handmade are some elements common in each issue. The magazine boasts high-quality paper and printing, a unique design aesthetic and incredible attention to detail.
Janine Vangool
publisher / editor / designer
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* Before emailing submissions follow the guidelines here.
Glen Dresser
customer support
Please contact Glen for help with your purchases, wholesale inquiries and questions about your subscription. Include your full name and mailing address so that we can better assist you.
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UPPERCASE publishing inc
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908 17th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2T 0A3
The studio is not open to the public—please get in touch to make an appointment. If you'd like to purchase our magazine and books locally, please see the stockist page.